Sell Homes Faster and for higher sale prices.
• Living Rooms
• Dining Rooms
• Bed Rooms
• Kitchens
• Patios
Presenting your home the right way can make for a faster sale and a help obtain higher price offers. We work with real estate professionals as well interior designers to
make your home look beautiful and appealing by accentuating your home's qualities.
• Deaccessorize, Declutter, Depersonalize, Organize room/area, take knickknacks off tables, books from shelves, pictures from walls, pillows off furniture.
• Remove everything that is not necessary or aesthetically appealing.
• Arrange/Rearrange remaining furniture so it looks best from the doorway of the room, making a good impression from the vantage point.
• Reaccessorize the room with items from other rooms in the house.
• Balance soft and hard surfaces, mixing "stuffed" furniture with "stick" furniture.